that tomorrow June 8, 2005 will mark the 10 year aniversery of PHP.
Thanks to the work of Rasmus Lerdorf, and others, PHP has transformed the face of the web over the last 10 years. PHP has been part of my projects and websites since 1998 when Josh Hyman (1), Ben Reynolds and I created a website for the ThinkQuest competition (although Josh did most if not all the PHP coding at the time). Since then I’ve used it in everything from school projects and personal websites to various internal projects at work.
In addition many of the tools I use in my day to day life would not be possible without the existance of a language like PHP:
– PhpMyAdmin
– WordPress
– SugarCRM
– SquirelMail
– Gallery
– dotProject
I’d also like to thank Rasmus for speaking at SCALE 1x back in 2002 at USC:
– Video
– Notes
– Abstract
Heck even the SCALE site is mostly written in PHP