Archive for April, 2006

March 24th

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

Scott Hobbs of Verbal Randomnes left me a comment on my last post. I have been planning on a follow up to my last post with more info, but work has been keeping me busy. Anyways, yes, he is right March 24 is not a holiday, its a memorial day. According to Wikipedia March 24, 1976 is the day that:

“Argentina’s military forces depose president Isabel Perón and start the Proceso de Reorganización Nacional.

For those that aren’t familiar with the history the military government made around over 30,000 people “disappear”. As a result March 24 is used a day or remembrance.

One question I would like to ask though is why was this never a national holiday before? Prior to 2006 it was just a rememberance day and the country continued to do business as usual. However, this year they seem to have upgraded it to a national holiday. My understanding from most people I’ve spoken to here is that it was a political manouver by the president who wants to be re-elected in 2007.

Thats not to saying people don’t care. Its definiately an important day. There were thousands marching towards down the street here heading towards Plaza de Mayo.

Anyways, just my 0.02.