Archive for April, 2006

Psycho Dad Shoots Son’s Computer

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

Leiz pointed this out on #lug. When I showed it to Mike he responded:

(15:10:43) Mike: i am going to print that out and hang it on my fridge
(15:10:46) Mike: because no matter what
(15:10:51) Mike: i will always be a better parent than that redneck
(15:11:13) Ilan: when child services comes to take your kids just show them the article
(15:11:16) Ilan: and everything will be ok
(15:11:21) Mike: see? this guy’s worse than me!
(15:11:23) Mike: hahaahahahahaa

Dad shoots at computer, saying son spends too much time playing games

ThunderBird Calendar and Bluetooth Sync?

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

Is anyone aware of methods for syncing Thunderbird Calendar with devices via bluetooth?

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Lately I’ve been syncing iCal with my phone to gain easy access to upcoming holidays, etc. I dont sync often enough for it to be a real mobile organizer, but I might start soon.

Also a way to sync the thunderbird address book with my phone would be great too.