Archive for April, 2006

Secured Updates to Thunderbird

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

Looks like MoFo has released some securing updates to Thunderbird (their mail client).

Mozilla Thunderbird Release Notes

I’ve also been looking at their calendar project, which works well, but has not reached the point where it can replace Apple’s iCal. Its getting there though. I’ll try to post my notes and thoughts on that sometime soon.

Changed my browser again

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

As much as I love my extensions, I’ve switched back from Firefox to Camino on my powerbook. Firefox is just too damn slow under OS X.

Matt Asay reported that he did the same a few weeks back. My major reason for not doing so was the extensions, they’re just so useful. I’ll probably end up running 2 browsers from now on at any given point. FF for my extensions and Camino for speed.

Extensions I’ll miss:
Session Saver
Customize Google / Grease Monkey
Adblock / Flashblock
and some other random ones.

I hear there are some Camino alternatives to these. I’ll try to report them as I find them. However, if anyone other there on the LazyWeb can recomend them I’d appreciate it.