Archive for May, 2006

Picassa on Linux

Saturday, May 27th, 2006

This has been a long time in the works but Official Picasa is out for Linux. They did it using WINE. Most people are on their case of doing a WINE port instead of a native port, but I think its cool that they’re supporting WINE development. I’m sure their contributions (either financial or code-wise) will help other applications that previously didn’t work under WINE.

Picassa itself isn’t the big deal here. There are plenty of open-source apps that I think are better with managing pictures. The big news is their support of WINE.

Flash 9 on Linux?

Saturday, May 27th, 2006

It looks like Adobe is continuing Macromedia’s plans to release flash on Linux. Hopefully they don’t flake on this. Flash support on opne-source platforms is pretty awful at this point. It works for the basics, but the only people who rely on the “basics” these days are banner ads 🙂

Flash on Linux would really make my life easier here at work. Most of my employer’s games have flash front ends and they almost never run properly in natively in Linux (they do ok under Wine).

Ideally projects like (or the other fl/oss flash projects would get some tracktion going and catch up with the comercial versions from Adobe (formerly Macromedia).

Emmy Huang: Yes, Virginia, there will be a Flash Player 9 for Linux