This past weekend I blogged about the nation wide RIM / Blackberry outage, and Cingular’s plan to credit users. The original consumerist post I was referring too had indicated they were crediting only a few dollars depending on your plan. For $1 – $2 it didn’t seem like it would be worth my time to call. However, today when I called about an unrelated question for my account, I mentioned the RIM outage and requested a credit. The rep asked me for the date and info about the outage and offered, I provided the details and mentioned it was covered by most major news outlets, in response she offered a $20 credit.
While I appreciate the credit, what concerns me is that the woman on the line said she hadn’t heard about this nation wide outage, but indicated that they have “hundreds of outages” per day and therefore would just assume I had a valid complain. Anyways, if you have a few spare minutes go claim your $20