Archive for March, 2009
Monday, March 2nd, 2009
"Ubuntu community manager Jono Bacon explained the importance of community building during a presentation at the Southern California Linux Expo." Ryan continues his incredibly coverage of SCALE with an article about Jono's presentation on community at SCALE.
Mike Maki has been a SCALE volunteer and/or presenter for years. This year he hacked together his digital camera and a NSLU2 to capture photos of the expo floor every 15 seconds over 3 days of SCALE. From setup to tear down its all there. Its now available as a 3 minute video on youtube.
Another blogger reports from SCALE.
Emma Jane reports on her experiences as a speaker, geek, and participant at SCALE.
Selena spoke at SCALE this year, and reports on her experiences from the show. It sounds like the LA Postgres Users Group (LAPUG) is growing quite quickly. I am exciting to see a strong Postgres community building here in Los Angeles.
High Mobily of Infoworld reports on Zareason and Untangle at SCALE. Both organization have been strong supports of SCALE in the past and have great products.
I encourage you to read about and support both organizations if their products meet your needs.
Don Marti posts his notes from the SCALE "Open Source World BOF". I am happy to see they are making some big changes, but a lot of us are thinking it might be too late. While the program committee is made up a stellar group of people, I have a hard time believing IDG will do well enough this year to consider OpenSource World 2009 a success. It takes a while to fix your reputation, and theres a lot to fix about LinuxWorld's rep. I wish them the best of luck though, and will do my best to attend and show support.
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