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Archive for June, 2009
links for 2009-06-29
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009Speaking at OSCON in July
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009 There is a lot in the works for OSCON this year. John Mark and I had our panel proposal for “Hacking the Open Government” accepted. Participants will include John Mark Walker (Geek-PAC), Silona Bonewald (League Of Technical Voters), Kevin Marks (Google), and myself (Geek-PAC), with John Mark moderating.
Hacking the Open Government
There is currently a renaissance in available data and content from the federal government as well as some state governments. Everyday it seems that some new web site or service makes publicly available over the internet what previously was only accessible on paper or other non-digital format. What does this mean for the hacker, the agitator, the political scientist, and the average internet user?
Additionally, Linux Fund‘s 10 year anniversary will coincide with OSCON. We have therefore decided to celebrate by holding a benefit, with all funds going towards our projects. The party will be held on Wednesday night, just down the street from the convention center. Details to be provided soon.
If you are considering attending, the OSCON team has provided us with the 20% off code “os09fos”.