Archive for the ‘Argentina’ Category

No luck with PodCasting

Saturday, December 4th, 2004

So I’ve been trying to put out a podcast using my iBook for a while now. I tried someone else ‘s “recipe” a while back and it didnt work (I think it was the engadget guide). Today I noticed Dave Slusher put up a recipe of his own back in November. Anyways, I could be wrong but Audacity appears to be the problem. Audacity can hear all my applications and my mic (the internal one on my iBook), but I cannot hear anything through my headphones. In both setups if I pulled Audacity out of the mix I can hear myself through the headphones. However, once I start Audacity it all goes to shit and I have to reboot my iBook if I want to try it without Audacity again. I’ve rechecked the settings about a thousand times. I’m sure I’m just overlooking something dumb. Maybe theres another app I can try recording with. I’ll have to do some googling and see if any other open-source recording software works under OS X or maybe I’ll give it a shot under Linux.

Anyways, I’m going to reset everything back to the defaults on and give it another shot on Monday night after work. For now I’m heading off to meet some friends at Rumi.

Number finally transfered

Tuesday, November 30th, 2004

So my phone number was finally transfered. Vonage, Focal and T-Mobile all continue to blame each other as to who was at fault. I point at Vonage because it only took me one phone call to Focal to get this taken care of. Anyways, my old cel number now rings here in Buenos Aires.